October 24, 2012 Jordan - "The Jordan government cancels decision to switch to wintertime", Jordan News Agency (PETRA)
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Jordan cancels decision to switch to wintertime
The government on Wednesday canceled a decision to switch to wintertime, keeping the daylight saving time (GMT+3) instead of switching clocks 60 minutes back for wintertime on Friday October 26, 2012.
The government instructed all directors and heads of institutions and departments which have special conditions such as the education and higher education ministries to set work hours as appropriate to their work. Meanwhile, Royal Jordanian RJ called on its passengers who hold RJ tickets for travel between Oct. 26, 2012 and March 30, 2013, to add one hour to the departure time mentioned on their tickets for travel from the Jordanian airports or the arrival time to the Jordanian airports, according to Jordan local time.
The company's call came after the Cabinet decided today to rescind switching to wintertime, which was scheduled to take effect on Friday.
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