22 August, 1899, Cook Islands - "The Christmas Day Act", Laws of Rarotonga and Niue
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Cook Islanders enjoyed their two Christmases in 1899
No. 10, 1899 "CHRISTMAS DAY ACT, 1899"
An Act to regulate the Calendar, and assimilate the days of the week and months to those of other countries east of the 180th degree of longitude :
Be it enacted by the Parliament of the Cook Islands, with the approval of the British Resident :
1. The Short Title of this Act shall be the "The Christmas Day Act, 1899."
2. The twenty-fifth and twenty-sixth of December of the New Zealand calendar shall be observed as the Christmas Day within the Islands of the Cook Group, and shall be treated as one day, and be called the twenty-fifth day of December, 1899. It shall further be held that the day following the twenty-fifth shall be Tuesday, the twenty-sixth day of December.
3. It shall not be lawful for any one to follow his or her calling or ordinary employment, or do any work for profit or reward, on the Sabbath day as fixed by this Act:
Provided always that work of an urgent nature, such as the loading or unloading of vessels, shall not be deemed to be prohibited by this section.
4. Any offence under this Act may be punished by a fine of not exceeding ten shillings, or, in default, not exceeding three days' hard labour on the public roads.
Passed - Te Ariki Tapu Raneot, Chairman to Cook Islands Parliament.
Approved - Makea, Aniki, Chief of Federal Government.
Approved - To come into operation on the 22nd day of August, 1899.
W. E. Gudgeon, British Resident.
The Residency, 22nd August, 1899
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