22 August 2022, Perth, Australia - "Great Debate To Introduce Daylight Savings In WA Re-emerges", Perth news, hit.com.au
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Great Debate To Introduce Daylight Savings In WA Re-emerges
WA at "significant disadvantage"
A new push has been made for WA to align with the majority of Australia and introduce daylight savings.
Led by Daylight Saving WA leader Wilson Tucker, the MP has made public his intention of introducing a private Daylight Savings Bill to Parliament.
The draft bill has proposed aligning the nation’s west with NSW, Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania, the ACT and Norfolk Island.
Introducing daylight savings has continually sparked debate, with the first of four referendums – all which have failed – held in 1975.
Tucker said he believes rather than a fifth referendum, the introduction of daylight savings should be made by WA politicians.
“I’ve been talking to MPs for the past year-and-a-half and I’ve discovered a large number of MPs support the issue,” Mr Tucker said.
“If the Premier wants to settle the issue of daylight saving in Western Australia once and for all, then now is his chance, by allowing a conscience vote on the Bill.
“We need leadership on the issue, not another referendum.
“WA also needs innovative ideas in this state, and daylight saving is one of the best.”
Introducing daylight savings has been previously rejected by the state in 1975, 1984, 1992 and 2009.
But recent Census data shows there is more support for daylight savings in metro areas.
Tucker said giving people more time for recreational activities after work was an important pro-daylight saving argument.
He added in the post-COVID era, being three hours behind the Eastern States was a “significant disadvantage” for WA businesses.
“The three-hour difference in summer between the west and east coast is especially difficult for businesses,” he said.
“WA companies only have a few hours to conduct business with east coast companies, which puts WA at a significant disadvantage.
“There is an estimated $3 billion cost to the Queensland economy by not having daylight saving and aligning their clock with Victoria and NSW.
“In a post-pandemic world, time zones play a more important part of how we communicate and work.
“We’re moving towards more location-agnostic work conditions, so being able to communicate online with people in a similar time zone is critical.”
Tucker intends to give notice of the bill this week, and hopes to “bring the bill on for debate next year”.
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