Daily Post/Pasifik Nius/Niuswire
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SUVA, Fiji Islands (January 18, 1999)
Pacific Islands Development Program/East-West Center
Center for Pacific Islands Studies/University of Hawai‘i at Manoa
SUVA, Fiji Islands (January 18, 1999 - Daily Post/Pasifik Nius/Niuswire)--- It's
official. Fiji will be the first country in the world to enter the third millennium, the
Daily Post reports.
This was confirmed by the New York-based Millennium World Time Zone organization.
Fiji is placed as first country ahead of New Zealand and Tonga (and Kiribati).
Adrian Rodenburg, executive committee chairman of the Udu Point Meridian Trust, said he
was happy with the decision.
He said he expected Fiji to be listed as the country with the last sunset of the
present millennium, instead of Samoa.
"Common sense will prevail," he said. "It is just so obvious that Fiji
has the only genuine claim to being first into every new day and the new millennium."
Mr. Rodenburg added that Fiji was first regardless of daylight saving time, although
daylight saving had many people confused.
The World Time organization has an Internet website www.worldtimezone.com,
which places Fiji as the first country in the world to welcome the new millennium.
In the garden island of Taveuni preparations are already under way, with the
construction of roads and renovation of the hospital.
Also, representatives from the Millennium Television Network (MTN) have met Fiji
government officials and the Fiji Visitors Bureau to make arrangements to include Fiji in
a network broadcast to greet the new millennium.
MTN executive producer Catriona Brown said MTN would present a live, 24-hour broadcast
as the millennium was greeted by each country in the 24 different time zones.
Businesses and manufacturers are gearing up for the millennium celebrations, taking
into consideration Fiji's expectation of increased tourism late this year and into 2000.
Title -- 1866 TOURISM: Fiji 'first for millennium'
Date -- 18 January 1999
Byline -- None
Origin -- Pasifik Nius
Source -- Daily Post (Fiji), 18/1/99
Copyright -- DP
Status -- Unabridged