No Dec. 31 plans? Celebrate online Web sites offer tours around the world
Chicago Sun-Times
Do you wish you could travel someplace exotic this New Year's Eve?
Grab your noisemakers and strap on your party hat! Let's hit the Web and party!
First things first. What is the meridian line and what does it mean on this New Year's Eve?
Seek the answers at www.onthe line.org.uk/index.htm.
The site explains the time zones and includes photos and a description of what life is like in each.
Go to the "Home of World Time" at greenwichmeantime.com and check out the atomic countdown clock.
Synchronize your watches here. Travel the world on New Year's Eve at newyears.earthcam.com.
Each time zone has at least one Web cam that will be focused on a city during the celebration.
Want to know where and at what time the sun rises on New Year's Day 2000? Get all the technicalities and links to the first sunrise of the year at www.worldtimezone.com
The granddaddy of all New Year's Eve parties is at Times Square in New York, of course. Peek in on the action at The site gives an itinerary of scheduled entertainment and includes a statistics page on the special New Year's Eve ball. Viva Las Vegas! www.lasvegas millennium.com features several Web cams, events, contests and wedding chapel specials. Catch an updated view of London's Millennium Dome at news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/static / domecam/default.htm Think fast.
What's the first major city to enter 2000? Wellington, New Zealand, of course. The city's official Web site is at www.welling ton2000.org.nz/ www.whitehouse.gov/ Initiatives /Millennium/index.shtml outlines the events in our nation's capital. www.everything2000.com links to celebrations around the world, news articles, Y2K scams and party hints. The site also has a list by region of Millenni-Moms, women who are in the running to bear the first baby of 2000.