FIFA 2009 Confederations Cup in South Africa
The opening match will be played at Ellis Park Stadium / Coca-Cola Park in Johannesburg
South Africa v Iraq at 16:00 (04:00pm) local South Africa time.
What time is it in other locations around the world ?
For example when 16:00 South Africa time ( Johannesburg, Cape Town )
on Sunday 14th of June 2009,
the local time in
Hawaii is 04:00 June 14, 2009,
the local time in
London is 15:00 June 14, 2009,
local time in
Japan is 23:00 June 14, 2009,
local time in
Sydney is MIDNIGHT (June 14-June 15, 2009)
local time in
Sao Paulo (Brazil) is 11:00 June 14, 2009,
local time in
Iraq is 17:00 June 14, 2009,
local time in
Spain is 16:00 June 14, 2009,
local time in
New Zealand is 02:00 June 15, 2009 (next day)