Sunrise Rainbow, 07:25am (DST in Samoa) 2 min after sunrise (07:23am)-
overcast, still street and cars lights. Upolu, Samoa.
(Photo Copyright © Alexander Krivenyshev, WorldTimeZone.com)

Apia Clock tower with "Daylight Saving Time" sign |

Cape Mulinuu (Sunset Point)- western most tip of Samoa, Sawaii

Samoa Tourism Authority, Apia, Upolu, Samoa |

Sunrise Rainbow, 2 min after sunrise, Upolu, Samoa

"Samoa Observer" staff with WorldTimeZone sarong, Samoa |

Pulemelei pyramid - largest ancient structure in Polynesia, Samoa

Children are walking back from school, Upolu, Samoa |

Robert Louis Stevenson museum, Villa Vailima, Upolu, Samoa
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