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April 04, 2010, "Se niegan municipios de Oaxaca a acatar el horario de verano", Oscar Rodriguez / Correspondent Millennium

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Se niegan municipios de Oaxaca a acatar el horario de verano

En Oaxaca por lo menos unos 418 de 570 ayuntamientos, la mayoría regidos bajo el sistema de usos y costumbres, no acataron el horario de verano. Tampoco lo respetarán un total de 13 mil escuelas, donde acuden un millón 126 mil alumnos.

Los poblados inconformes,- mismos que congregan a poco más del 70 por ciento de la población indígena-, admiten que solo harán respetar el horario de dios, los alcaldes solo piden al gobierno un respeto al tiempo que le fue legado por sus ancestros.


(English translation)
Oaxaca municipalities refuse to comply with daylight saving time

In Oaxaca, at least about 418 of 570 municipalities, most governed under the system of customs and practices, failure to obey the summer time. Nor will respect a total of 13 thousand schools, which attract one million 126 thousand students.

The protesters villages - which bring them little more than 70 percent of the Indian population, they admit that only time will respect the god, the only mayors calling on the government respect the time it was bequeathed by their ancestors.

Meanwhile, teachers of the section of the National Union of Education Workers, admits that his opposition to the schedule has an origin in its historic struggle against the state.


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